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Munro Global Growth Small & Mid Cap Fund Anniversary video

Author: Munro Partners

The information provided by Munro Partners is general information only.

The video is not intended to include, or constitute as, financial product advice. The views held by Munro Partners are current at the time of recording and are subject to change. Every effort has been made to ensure that the material contained in this document is accurate at the time of publication. Market conditions may change which may impact the information contained in this document. All charts and illustrations in this video are for illustrative purposes only. They are not intended to predict or project investment results. This information has been prepared without taking account of the objectives, financial situation or needs of individuals. You should obtain independent advice from a licensed professional adviser before making any investment decision. Information about the Munro funds issued in Australia, including the product disclosure statements (PDS), and target market determination (TMD) for the Munro Funds is available at, or by calling 1300 133 451. Munro Partners is a corporate authorised representative of Munro Asset Management Limited, AFSL 480509. Past performance information given in this video is given for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as an indication of future performance. Neither Munro Partners, GSFM Responsible Entity Services nor any related entity guarantees the repayment of capital or the performance of the Fund or any particular returnsfrom the Fund. No representation or warranty is made concerning the accuracy of any data contained in this document. GSFM Responsible Entity Services Limited ABN 48 129256 104 AFSL 321517 (GSFM Responsible Entity Services) is the responsible entity of the Munro Global Growth Small & Mid Cap Fund ARSN 670 777 885 (Fund) APIR GSF0874AU. This video was recorded on 16 October 2024.