Using our proprietary investment process, worldwide network and unique knowledge base, we invest alongside our clients to benefit from the key structural changes in our world today.
Idea generation
Munro identifies sustainable growth trends that are under-appreciated, not well understood and mispriced by the market, and in our view, the resulting winning and losing stocks.
Idea evaluation (qualitative)
Companies that consistently earn more than the year before are generally rewarded with higher stock prices over time.
Idea evaluation (quantitative)
Munro uses three valuation based tests to quantify earnings upside/downside, multiple upside / downside and time based catalysts. Ideas graduate from the universe to the portfolio based on the relative upside generated from these tests.
Portfolio construction
Qualitative and quantitative tests combine to build a high conviction, index, region and sector unaware portfolio of investments. Munro's absolute return heritage means risk management and proprietary stop loss review framework are integral.
Idea Generation
Global equities
Over 24,000 listed
global equities
Growing equites
Many profess to grow.
We identify structural growth
Secular growing equities
Idea Evaluation (Qualitative)
Idea Evaluation (Quantitative)
Potential for
earning surprise
Has the market adequately considered
the structural forces at play
when forecasting company earnings?
Potential for multiple
rerating / derating
Has the market adequately considered
the quality of the company and its ability
to execute on the structural forces at play
when assigning an investment multiple?
What timeframe, volatility and catalysts
are required to meet the price target?
Best ideas
Portfolio Construction
(Long/Short absolute returns)
Portfolio Construction
(Long only relative returns)
Portfolio concentration
Typically 30-50 high conviction positions
Portfolio concentration
Typically 20-40 high conviction positions
Position sizing
Average longs of 3% and average shorts of 1.5%
Position sizing
Average longs of 3%
Exposure management
Driven by bottom-up idea generation
Typical gross exposure between 50-150% and typical net exposure between 50-100%
Exchange traded option positions frequently used to protect downside
Exposure management
Generally fully invested
Maximum 10% cash
Short philosophy
Shorts are typically represented by structural losers or misplaced securities and are subject to a more prudent risk-taking approach
Short philosophy
Shorting is not permitted in the long-only, relative returns strategy
Aggregate portfolio risk
Portfolio management system used to provide real time reporting and pre/post trade compliance. The investment team actively measures portfolio correlations, sector risks, style exposure and aggregate valuation metrics
Aggregate portfolio risk
Portfolio management system used to provide real time reporting and pre/post trade compliance. The investment team actively measures portfolio correlations, sector risks, style exposure and aggregate valuation metrics
Risk Management
(Long/Short absolute returns)
Risk Management
(Long only relative returns)
Maximum gross exposure limit of 200%
Maximum net exposure limit of 100%
Maximum net and gross exposure limit of 100%
Maximum cash exposure of 10%
Single positions
Maximum long position of 10% of NAV at cost
Maximum short position of 5% of NAV at cost
Single positions
Maximum long position of 10% of NAV at cost
No short positions<
No sector or region concentration limits
In practice, Areas of Interest create differing sector exposures
No sector or region concentration limits
In practice, Areas of Interest create differing sector exposures
80% of individual position sizes are limited to 30% of 10 days average daily volume (trailing 90 days)
75% of individual position sizes are limited to 30% of 20 days average daily volume
Manage for base currency benefit, with a bias to hedge back to base currency
Default currency hedge of 50%
Stop losses
Individual stock stop loss formal review at 20% drawdown, 10% for shorts
Gross exposure formal review at 3% drawdown
Net exposure formal review at 5% drawdown
Stop losses
Individual stock stop loss formal review at 20% drawdown