We are global growth investors.

Wealth effects

Finding long-term winners

Munro identifies sustainable growth trends that are under-appreciated, not well understood and mis-priced by the market, and in our view, the resulting winning and losing stocks.

ascend advantage

Earnings growth drives stock prices

Companies that consistently earn more than the year before are generally rewarded with higher stock prices over time.


Sustained earnings growth

Consistent growth, independent of cyclical factors and above the peer group, is valued at higher multiples.

Pie chart

Identify mispriced growth

Consensus earnings estimates often underestimate growth,  its sustainability and cash generation capacity, allowing opportunities to invest in stocks well below their intrinsic value.

Investment Principles
Environment Social Governance

Munro Partners is a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principle for Responsible Investment (“PRI"), the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment.

Munro recognises and is committed to consider ESG in the course of its investment process and in the monitoring of portfolio investments. Where our investment process identifies that minimum standards are not being met by a company, we may look to engage with the company to improve ESG levels, avoid investment or simply divest.

Munro incorporates a company specific ESG risk rating with a numerical score that is calculated and categorised as either negligible, low, medium, high or severe. This ESG risk rating is then incorporated into the Investment team’s assessment and calculation of the control qualitative test, alongside sustainability and customer perception, to determine whether the company’s ESG rating will materially reduce the company’s quality score. ESG issues are incorporate and discussed as part of company research.